global style

Text Styles

Fluid type approach

Demo link

max([mobile-rem-size], [desktop-vw-size]);

  • Only Headlines should be set using the max() approach;
  • Headlines include: Hero, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6. (anything above 20px);
  • Everything else (p, text, link) should be set in rem;
  • Convert desktop pixel sizes to vw, using this online converter (link);


Use Fluid Type Approach for text styles below:

This Is A Hero Headline

Headline 1

This is Headline H1

Headline 2

This is Headline H2

Headline 3

This is Headline H3

Headline 4

This is Headline H4

Headline 5
This is Headline H5
Use REM sizes for text styles below:
Headline 6
This is Headline H6

Subheadings and buttons

Button Text Link
Shop this collection
Text Link
Or visit the store
Primary Button
Primary Button
Secondary Button [.btn.btn--secondary] Secondary Button

Body text

Use REM sizes for text styles below:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque cursus luctus dolor sed dignissim.

Fusce sollicitudin, neque quis fringilla iaculis, turpis risus volutpat.

Paragraph Link
[p > a]

Click here to apply. Quisque cursus luctus dolor sed dignissim.

Paragraph Small Link

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque cursus luctus dolor sed dignissim.

Fusce sollicitudin, neque quis fringilla iaculis, turpis risus volutpat.

Paragraph Small Link
[p.small > a]

Click here to apply. Quisque cursus luctus dolor sed dignissim.

Colour Styles
